Infinite God?
A spiritual seeker's journey begins with curiosity.
I'm told, God is every where and everything. God is the reason things happen and why we exist. We can never understand God's plan and must trust in and be a vessel ready and willing to carry the message, execute the vision of the greatest creator.
I see, a world around me fighting the most complex battles. Manipulation, revenge, hate, fear, selfishness, suppression, greed in and around us.
I feel, a sense of responsibility to do something and overwhelmed by the task at hand. A world forcefully pumped into us, petting our heads as we choke on its bitterness. A deep inner questioning stirs...
This is a series I did from 2002-2006. My process reflected my state of mind and my desire to be open and honest with my viewers. I started out each piece by writing exactly what I was thinking in that moment. My hand writing strung together like my flowing thoughts. I would then mark the piece with a brush in attempt to transfer my raw emotion to the surface. Next I poured a layer of resin signifying time capturing the moment. Once dried images would be silkscreened on the subsequent layers. Each piece has 4-5 layers or resin. Later pieces in the series lack this resin layering effect but the essence of the process is still there. The organ-like shape represents God and is depicted flowing through time and connected to all the images. This God shape is painted on each layer of resin giving it a 3 dimensional look. Lastly each piece has 6 nails in the shape of a house which represents the path. Jesus was said to be God in the flesh and nails pierced his skin in his final moments. The body houses our experience of life and carries us through time.
These pieces are for sale and are available for shows.